nbn Fibre to the Basement (FTTB) Explained
There are a number of different ways an nbn® connection can be installed. When a physical line is run from a premise, like with Fibre to the Basement, it’s called a fixed line connection.
What is fibre to the basement?
FTTB stands for Fibre to the Basement (or Fibre to the Building) and is used to connect apartment blocks and other large buildings, known as a Multi-Dwelling Unit (MDU), to the nbn.
An nbn FTTB connection relies on a fibre optic line run to a node in the communications room of the building. From there, the network is connected to existing copper wiring within the building to provide Internet to each apartment.
Who will connect fibre to the basement?
nbn Fibre to the Basement will be installed in areas where apartment blocks or similar buildings require it. If you live in an apartment and currently use an Internet connection such as ADSL, you will likely have FTTB available to you once the nbn rollout is complete.
Do I need any equiment to connect to FTTB?
Since Fibre to the Basement is an nbn connection for your entire building, it will likely need to first be addressed by the building’s strata or body corporate. Once access has been resolved and the nbn rollout completed, a fibre optic line will be run to your building and connected to a node, most likely stored in a cabinet in the building’s communication room. From there, you can connect to the node and nbn using the existing copper wire technology in your building.
Unlike some other nbn technology, FTTB doesn’t require any nbn hardware to be installed inside your apartment, though a technician may still need to visit while you’re home to complete the setup.
If you choose to connect to FTTB with Optus nbn, you will be provided with an Optus Wi-Fi modem to complete your nbn access
Shop nbn with Optus
Find out more about the nbn and how to get connected with Optus. We have an exciting range of great-value nbn plans with speed options and extras available.
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